
Do you want to return an order?

Please do not send it back to the company address. We are an online marketplace. There is no shop at this address. You can find all relevant information about returns here:


Company Headquarters

Refurbed Marketplace GmbH
Jakov-Lind-Straße 7
1020 Vienna

Telephone: +43 (0) 720 271717-0
Customer Support:
Free Hotline: +34 900 - 943 277
Mon - Fri 09:00 - 17:00

Managing Director:
Jürgen Riedl
Kilian Kaminski
Peter Windischhofer
Daniel Müller

Commercial Court: Vienna
Corporate Register: FN 590622m
VAT-Number: ATU79334819
Authorized Capital: 35 000 EUR
Responsible for content according to § 55 RStV:
Peter Windischhofer

The European Commission provides a platform for Online Dispute Resolution at the following link: We are ready to take part in out-of-court conciliation procedure.

Disclosure in accordance with Art 24 (2) DSA: The number of average monthly active recipients engaging with our marketplace over the last 6 months is < 45 000 000

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